Sites & cities that bear the name of Lezhë


Today in : Albania
First trace of activity : ca. 15th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : today
Recorded names : Lissos, Λισσός, Lissus, Lissum, Lezha , Lesh, Leş, Eşim, Alessio, Alise, Alexiensis, Eschenderari, Mrtav

Description : Lezhë is a city in the Republic of Albania and the capital of the eponymous county and municipality. One of the main strongholds of the Labeatai, the earliest of the fortification walls of the city are of typical Illyrian construction and are dated to the late 4th century BC. The city was one of the main centres of the Illyrian kingdom. During the conflicts with Macedon it was captured by Philip V becoming the Macedonian outlet to the Adriatic Sea. The town was later recovered by the Illyrians. It was subjected to Rome after the Roman-Illyrian wars and the fall of Gentius' realm.

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