Sites & cities that bear the name of Ossossane


Today in : Canada
First trace of activity : 1632 C.E
Last trace of activity : 1636 C.E

Description : Ossossané National Historic Site of Canada is located on the shore of Nottawasaga Bay, in the Georgian Bay on Lake Huron, Ontario. Composed of two different sites 1.6 km apart, the former village covers an area of approximately 2.5 hectares on a defensible peninsula of land. Protected on three sides by steep topography this Ossossané village was the principal village of the Attignaouantan or Bear Clan of the Hurons from 1632-1636 A.D. The site includes an ossuary, located a short distance away covering less than 0.5 hectares, created when the clan abandoned the village in 1636. Seven meters in circumference and 2 meters deep the ossuary is situated on former agricultural land in a field amongst scattered pine trees. The two sites are separated by fields, pasture and a swamp. Official recognition refers to the site of the village, the site of the ossuary and any archaeological evidence relating to it.

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