Sites & cities that bear the name of Ostend


Today in : Belgium
First trace of activity : ca. 13th century C.E
Last trace of activity : today
Recorded names : oost-einde, Oostende, Ostende

Description : Ostend (Dutch: Oostende; French: Ostende ; German: Ostende ; West Flemish: Ostende) is a coastal city and municipality, located in the province of West Flanders in the Flemish Region of Belgium. In the early Middle Ages, Ostend was a small village built on the east-end (oost-einde) of an island (originally called Testerep) between the North Sea and a beach lake. Although small, the village rose to the status of "town" around 1265, when the inhabitants were allowed to hold a market and to build a market hall. The major source of income for the inhabitants was fishing. The North Sea coastline has always been rather unstable due to the power of the water. In 1395 the inhabitants decided to build a new Ostend behind large dikes and further away from the always-threatening sea.

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